Have you ever thought of becoming a nomad?

Many people have considered it, but something is always holding them back. Some think they can't live in different places because they have children. According to Tamika Range, it should never be a hindrance. We all need to learn how to live in flow and fluidity. Tamika is my aBorney, friend, and spiritual sister. She transiDoned from being an aBorney to being a nomad. She is a wife and a mother of three. Tamika has lived in different places with her family and plans to explore even more. One of the most significant challenges they experienced as a family was when they embarked on a life as digital nomads was that the children missed their friends. Today they have devised ways to ensure the children can play games with their friends and stay connected. In this episode, Tamika shares how she became a nomad, their challenges as a nomad family, and how nomadism has impacted her spirituality.

Listen in and learn.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

[02:57] How Tamika transiDoned from an aBorney's office to being a nomad

[07:41] How Tamika's children are adapDng to the new lifestyle

[16:50] Recognising opportuniDes

[23:53] Living in flow in fluidity

[28:21] What does siXng in mean to Tanika?

[34:38]Children are simple

[40:26] what this nomadic life has done for you in a spiritual realm?

Magical Quotes from the Episode: "When an opportunity presents itself, having the ability to let go of that gut fear to jump in is what holds a lot of us back someDmes."

"The best things in life are really the experiences."

"When you pull yourself out of everything that you know as normal. It puts you in a place of being able to just see yourself and take Dme with yourself to process things."

"Everything is encompassed in adulDng, and you don't have a choice but to do it. So why not do it on your terms? Just going to hurt anyway."

"Don't discredit how much your children could lead you."

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Website: https://eclecticsacredliving.com

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